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Women’s Post-Cycle Therapy

Women’s Post-Cycle Therapy

The post-cycle treatment of a woman and a guy are not the same. This is because women typically recover much more slowly than men do from PCT and need a specific therapy that is different from what males utilize. Women receiving post-cycle treatment often use comparable products as men but at a different dose. Among the female-specific PCT drugs are Clomid, Lupron, Androderm, and Nolvadex.

Which Legal PCT Supplements Are Available?

Hormone Replacement Treatment: This is used to treat illnesses caused by low levels of certain hormones, such oestrogenMenopausal symptoms including mood swings, dry vaginal skin, and hot flashes may be caused by low oestrogen levels. HRT is also used to prevent bone degeneration in elderly women. The most prevalent kind of HRT is a mix of progesterone and estrogen. Other hormone replacement therapy alternatives include using progestin alone. HRT is frequently advised to treat some menopausal symptoms after menopause.

Anti-androgen drugs: A medication known as anti-androgen stops the body from producing testosterone, the hormone that causes the male sex. Men with advanced prostate cancer and other malignancies are treated with these drugs. Anti-androgens can be injected intravenously, eaten orally, or used topically.

The three most often prescribed anti-androgen medications are bicalutamide, nilutamide, and flutamide.

Drugs that Block Hormones: Drugs that block hormones prevent the body from producing certain hormones that alter the behaviour of the body. They are frequently used to treat hirsutism and irregular menstruation.

Oestrogen Blockers: Drugs that prevent the body from experiencing the effects of oestrogen are known as estrogen blockers. They are employed in the treatment of different female reproductive system tumours as well as breast cancer. Tamoxifen is one well-known oestrogen blocker. The anti-estrogen tamoxifen binds to oestrogen receptors to inhibit them. This implies that it stops oestrogen from attaching itself to these receptors and initiating its actions that promote growth. Additionally, tamoxifen can help stop the growth of new cancers. However, it should be taken cautiously because it might cause some women to lose their sexual urges. Two further oestrogen blockers are fulvestrant and raloxifene.

Progesterone blockers: The female reproductive hormone progesterone, which is produced by the ovaries, stimulates ovulation and menstruation. It also aids in menstrual cycle regulation and pregnancy maintenance. Progesterone levels fall following menopause. Women often feel two signs: hot flushes and rage.

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