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Usage of Steroids

Usage of Steroids

Do we pay a price for trying to get bigger, stronger, and faster? There’s a topic in the media these days that affects everyone, from parents to professional athletes to teenagers. The current issue is steroids, and a solution is unlikely to come around very soon.

Steroids are not a novel drug, but lately, authorities and courts have shown an increased interest in them. The headlines are almost always filled with investigations and raids on supplement companies, doctors, and athletes. Everyone has heard that steroids are illegal and bad for you, but why?

Steroids are synthetic compounds that were created to mimic the actions of the male hormone testosterone. They enhance muscle growth and encourage quicker recuperation after exercise. Despite having been developed in the 1930s and being used ever since, they were not designated as banned substances until 1990. Even though anabolic steroids have been illegal for over 20 years, their use is increasing, especially among teens in the United States.

The “Bigger, Stronger, faster” lecture and debate is being organised by the Eating Awareness Committee and will take place on Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Mandela Room at Binghamton University. The main focus of the show will be the same-titled documentary film. A wide range of experts, including fitness enthusiasts, physicians, researchers, and professional trainers, will be on hand to answer queries about the film and the topic of steroids.

The moral and health consequences of using anabolic steroids are less evident, even though their legal status in America is established. In America, professional athletes are held in the greatest regard and are idolised for their remarkable skills and prowess. Examining this topic and its connection to the issues surrounding the usage of steroids will be made easier by the BSF presentation.

Only a small number of the numerous side effects associated with steroids have been scientifically proven. Proponents of drug use argue that no drug is 100% safe, thus in that regard, they are no different from other legal substances. Is the ban on steroids because they pose a major risk to one’s health or even life, or is it because they are perceived as a kind of cheating, particularly in sports? The issue has gotten more difficult in recent years, with several athletes under investigation for their potential usage of illegal substances—not because they are dangerous, but rather because it is a kind of cheating.

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