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Why Is Post-Cycle Therapy Required Following Steroid Usage?

Why Is Post-Cycle Therapy Required Following Steroid Usage?

A professional bodybuilder is as strong as a tornado, bigger as a milk truck, and shredded to the bone. You can’t help but wonder how he got to be that way. Was it the outcome of persistence, a balanced diet, and following the suggested supplement regimen? Or was it done through illegal means, such as the use of steroids? While the second tactic is risky, the former is safe.


Using steroids might cause you to gain strength and size unnaturally, which can have a lot of harmful side effects. But the real problem starts when a steroid cycle is over. During the cycle, your body goes into cruise control and stops producing hormones on its own. For this reason, PCT is necessary. Post-cycle treatment is an essential practice that patients must undergo after finishing a steroid cycle. Restoring their body’s health is the aim to enable it to start manufacturing hormones on its own again. A wide range of medications are available for post-cycle treatment (PCT). This is when the SERMS come into play.

One of the most well-liked alternatives to PCT is the use of selective oestrogen receptor modulators or SERMs. Since these drugs lessen the effects of estrogen on the body, they are frequently used in the treatment of breast cancer. However, because SERMs block oestrogen, they are also helpful tools to utilize during post-cycle therapy.

When steroids are used in excess, they might convert in your body to oestrogen. For example, man boobs are the result of this and can reverse all of your progress. Since SERMs inhibit oestrogen, they can help prevent these annoying side effects following a cycle. It also increases your T levels, which helps your testosterone production return to normal.

Nolvadex and Clomid are the SERMs that are most frequently used for PCT. So which drug is better? Let’s start by examining each drug separately.



The main purpose of the medication Clomid is to promote female fertility by inducing ovulation. It also has several off-label uses, such as boosting male motility and sperm count increase.

These off-label uses make it a useful medication to include in a post-cycle therapy plan. Clomid helps to restart your testicles’ production of testosterone after using steroids.



It is common practice to mix Nolvadex and Clomid during post-cycle therapy. Tamoxifen, another name for this drug, is mostly prescribed to female patients with breast cancer. Nolvadex, like Clomid, is used in the bodybuilding business as part of post-cycle therapy to help suppress estrogen. Men coming off steroid cycles sometimes mix “Nolva” with Clomid to assist their bodies recover homeostasis and normalize their T-levels.


So, you should just take a handful of SERMs after your cycle? After all, a lot of experienced steroid users choose it. One disadvantage of using SERMs for PCT is the amount of time it takes for your hormone levels to return to normal. This might gravely jeopardize some of the gains that were sacrificed. What use does it serve to stress your body out if using steroids results in muscle loss?

Mechanism of action

Selective androgen receptor modulators are referred to as SARMs. Because SARMs and standard anabolics have similar effects on steroids, SARMs are occasionally chosen. This is so you may benefit from the extra muscle development without having to deal with the nasty androgenic side effects that come with using steroids. SARMs have a much higher anabolic than androgenic effect. Alternatively, they can be taken orally, which does away with the dirty needles.

In addition to helping enhance performance, SARMs may also be used for post-cycle recovery. Since these drugs encourage muscle growth, they may help keep you from losing your gains during PCT. Unlike SERMs, SARMs don’t increase your baseline T-levels. For this reason, it is recommended that you take a SARM such as Ostarine in addition to Nolva or Clomid.

Side effects related to SARMs

Particularly when taken at the low dosages required for post-cycle therapy (PCT), SARMs are far less likely to cause side effects than actual steroids. Nonetheless, bodybuilders usually substitute mega-doses for anabolic drugs. When the following undesirable side effects may manifest:

  • Hair loss;
  • Gynecomastia;
  • Distorted vision

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