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Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin): Cycle, Dosage, and Side Effects

Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin): Cycle, Dosage, and Side Effects

Fluoxymesterone (Halotestin): Cycle, Dosage, and Side Effects


Bodybuilders can take the androgenic anabolic steroid Halotestin, also known as fluoxymesterone, orally to encourage the development of lean muscle. It has three different strengths (2 mg, 5 mg, and 10 mg) and is composed of several inert ingredients, including tragacanth, lactose, calcium stearate, and maize starch, to name a few. Since this hormone is the same as the testosterone your body generates naturally, it should come as no surprise that men who don’t create enough of it or teenage boys who have delayed puberty often take it. You may prevent muscle wasting and preserve the health of your bones, muscles, and reproductive system by using Halotestin.

Why Do Athletes and Bodybuilders Use Halotestin?

  • Halotestin supports the growth, development, and recovery of your muscles and tissue cells following physical exertion by contributing to the augmentation of haemoglobin and improving the mass and structure of red blood cells.
  • Empowers you – In line with the previous concept, the longer you exercise, the more oxygen, nutrients, and energy your cells will receive. This makes you stronger, which encourages the growth of your muscles to their maximum potential.
  • Having more energy may motivate you to continue exercising and working hard.
  • During a cutting cycle, Halotestin can increase your metabolism to burn fat and prevent your body from losing muscle, giving you a hard, chiselled look.

How Halotestin Works?

Endogenous androgens are thought to be in charge of the growth and maintenance of your face, chest, and pubic hair, as well as your muscles, fat distribution, vocal cord thickening (which can cause voice loss), and your prostate, penis, and scrotum. Now, when your body is low in testosterone, it will affect all of these areas, which is where Halotestin may help. It can replace natural androgens and help you retain nitrogen, salt, and potassium (increasing the oxygenation of muscles and tissue cells), promote protein synthesis, maintain bone density, and improve the creation of red blood cells. It is an androgenic anabolic steroid.

Cycles and Dosage of Halotestin

Let’s face it: Halotestin works best for cutting, even though most anabolic steroids may be used for both bulking and cutting. It’s simply because not because it’s bad or anything. It all boils down to the possibility of superior outcomes if you focus on Halotestin’s fat-burning capacity. Lean muscle mass development and the prevention of muscle atrophy are two benefits that Halotestin has been shown to have.

Is it too bad that can’t put on weight? Yes. However, if you’re competing on a professional level, you need to be able to obtain the definition you need to excel. Cycles of Halotestin can help achieve this. For optimal effects, Halotestin should only be used temporarily. No more than two to four weeks. And when your cutting cycle is finished, just take it.

The cycle of Halotestin: For two to three weeks, some bodybuilders take 20 mg of Halotestin per day. Then, for the last week, they take an increased dosage of 40 mg per day.

Negative effects

  • Nausea and diarrhoea
  • Headaches
  • Acne/oily skin
  • Hair loss or baldness
  • A rise or fall in libido (a drop or increase in sex drive)
  • Changes in liver function
  • Breast enlargement


Sincerely. No matter how great a product is, it is useless if it is both unlawful and full of unfavourable consequences. Think about it: you wouldn’t intentionally eat anything that may cause you to become ill. So why would you subject your body to a substance that can perhaps damage your liver, cause you to feel sick, or have any other unfavourable effect? Naturally, that is not the goal!

Another aspect is the poor results seen with Halotestin. It’s excellent for cutting and obtaining definitions. But if you’re looking for more than just strength, you’re barking up the wrong tree. The biggest and most important problem, besides its insufficient results and safety issues, is that it is unlawful. This fact cannot be avoided. Therefore, unless you enjoy using a poor product that can land you with a hefty fine and disqualification from contests, we strongly suggest going with the safer alternative.

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Adelphi Research Halotestin 10mg

Pharmaqo Labs Halotestin

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